From Michel Dubois

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Welcome on my personal web page !

I am a teacher in computer science at University of South Britanny. I defended my PHD (2008) at the VALORIA laboratory in Vannes (France). Valoria laboratory was renamed IRISA-UBS in january 2012. I graduated from the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, France (1998) in the field of Economics and Management. Since September 1998, I teach databases, Business Intelligence, java web programming at IUT de Vannes. My main research interests concern the use of multi-agents systems to control a fleet of robots.


Michel Dubois
IUT de Vannes - Dpt. STID
Bureau B106
8, rue Montaigne
BP 561, 56 017 Vannes CEDEX

tel : (+33)2 97 62 64 98
fax: (+33)2 97 63 47 22

email: michel (dot) dubois (at) univ-ubs (dot) fr

skype: michelduboisubsvannes


You can schedule a meeting with me.

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Page last modified on 15/05/2013 17:44