The University Of South Brittanny Portable Compilation of open-source GIS & BI tools for windows workstations

GIS-BI open-source softwares on a USB stick derived from the work of Joanne Cook on Portable GIS version 2. In the title Portable UBSOSGISBI UBS means University of South Brittany, OS stands for Open-Source, GIS for Geographic Information System, BI for Business Intelligence i.e. the decision field. This is the open-source part of the "platforme géodécisionnelle de l'Université de Bretagne-Sud", which includes all softwares and data allowing to make a decision in the middle and long terms resulting from statistical processing or a management reasoning by taking into account in particular the time and location dimensions. It is reasonable to exclude software packages commonly (and mainly) present in the transactional information system (On Line Transactional Processing).

The philosophy behind this idea was to provide beginners with a readily-installed and configured stack of open source GIS-BI tools that would run under the Windows environment without needing emulation or a live CD. Considering that the often difficult installation and configuration of open source GIS-BI of often difficult, I hope to make it easier for beginners, so that they won't be put off before it gets interesting and funny. Moreover, having a fully self-contained GIS system may prove useful in a number of real-life situations.

The current set of software includes, as in Portable GIS:

The package and menu system are all open source, but each component has a separate license. Some of the components have been altered in order to make them drive-letter independent.


There are the same proviso's as for Portable GIS:

  • This is not for production use. In order for the end user to keep a minimum configuration there are a number of security issues and as such its use should be limited to demonstration and home use only.
  • It is also not “stealth GIS”- no attempt has been made to leave no trace on the host system.

Differences from Portable GIS version 2: